Ultimate Cancun Packing List: 30 Key Items You Must Not Forget!

Cancun is a popular tropical destination for luxury vacationers, beach lovers, and spring breakers. It has a hot and humid climate year-round, never going below the low 70s.

For a trip to Cancun, it is important to know what items are necessary to bring but also to not overpack. So we’ve made this handy list so you know exactly what to bring into Cancun!


It’s obviously necessary to bring proper forms of identification and to make sure you can board the plane!

Passport/Driver’s License

It’s a good idea to bring ten to twenty dollars in $1 bills for tips.


Credit Cards

Make sure you tell your credit card company that you will be in Mexico so you don’t run into any problems while you’re there.

No matter where you travel, you should always carry a small medical kit just in case.

Basic Medical Kit

Bathing Suits

Beyond sunbathing, Mexico offers many water sports and activities as well. Deciding what type of activities you will be up to will help ensure you pack the most comfortable swimsuit for the occasion.

They are great for transitioning from the beach to a hotel or a bar/restaurant. Make sure they are comfortable and quick drying so it will be ready for the next day when you need it.

Swimsuit Cover-up

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