How to Travel Cheap (12 Tips To Save Money While Traveling)

With a bit of graft, some slight mindset shifts and possible alterations to your aspirations, traveling on a budget is absolutely possible.

Just Google ‘budget travel’ and you’re bound to come across a million and one blog articles telling you how it’s done.

It’s relatively cheap (exchange rates are up there with the best you’ll find) and means you don’t have to carry tonnes of cash with you at all times.

1. Use a Travelers Bank Card

2. Be Sensible With Your Stuff

Know where your stuff is so that you don’t get it lost or stolen while traveling. Okay, this one’s obvious, but take care of your money, passport and belongings, etc.

3. Be Wary of Tricksters

Whether you get sold a ‘genuine gold bracelet’ at a market stall in Marrakech, or overcharged for a tuk-tuk ride in Thailand, it’s easy to lose money through ignorance.

4. Make Sacrifices

Sacrifice is a key way to save money when traveling on a budget. It applies to saving up before your trip as much as spending on it.

5. Set A Budget and Follow It

Little things all stack up and there’s nothing like seeing your total expenses at the end of the day to incentivize greater frugality in the future!

6. Travel Light

Instead of a huge rucksack with tonnes of extra space, pack an ultralight bag instead. Take a small bag that you can get nothing else into.

7. Work, work, work

Save up money by working hard and not only will you reduce financial burden of travel, but you’ll value the experience more too.

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