Is It Safe to Travel to Jordan in 2022?

Is Jordan safe? The question of the hour and everyone is wondering it.

We know a lot of you are wondering what it was like to travel in this part of the world and whether your plans should involve a visit in the future. So let’s talk about it.

We never felt unsafe or threatened during our time in Jordan and never got the impression that we were not welcome there.

Jordan as a whole is working hard to put the positive image of their country forward, and it deserves to have tourism.

Jordan is an incredibly progressive place and while they still hold onto their cultural roots, they have moved forward with great care for the stability of their country and its people.

We walked the streets of every city we visited at all hours of the day and night and were not hassled once.

Curious locals waved at us and started random conversations with us.  Despite what people may think about it, we are not the kind of people that won’t tell people where we are from.

I can’t tell you the amount of excitement that would come out of learning we were Americans and how much passion the local people put into telling us how great it was that we were there.

Is Jordan Safe to Travel Around Independently?  Absolutely. While traveling in a group is the most popular option, traveling independently in Jordan is easy and very safe.

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