Leave No Trace: The  7 Principles and Why They Are Important

It’s more important than ever to follow the 7 Principles of Leave No Trace. If you don’t know what that means, no worries! 

We’re here to help you learn how you can do your part when playing in the outdoors.


Leave No Trace is an environmental initiative that provides a framework of seven practices for anyone interacting with the great outdoors.

What is Leave No Trace?

The general idea of Leave No Trace is simple: when you get back into your car and leave the trail, no one should be able to tell you were there.

1. Plan Ahead & Be Prepared

Taking the time to plan and prepare will ensure you have a safe and comfortable time on your trip while reducing your environmental impact.

They are designed to have the least amount of impact on nature, so as tedious as it may be, please, no trailblazing or camping outside of designated camping areas.

2. Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces

3. Dispose of Waste Properly

If you pack it in, then plan to pack it out, too. This goes for everything you bring into nature, including things you might think are biodegradable.

Next time you see a beautiful wildflower, take a picture. It’ll last longer.

4. Leave What You Find

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