28 At Home Workouts Without Weights (Perfect for Travel too!)

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Working out from home or while traveling can be hard and it’s even harder to think up a workout schedule on the fly. That is why we have put together this list of at-home workouts that can be done without weights.

When we’re not traveling, we work out at a CrossFit gym 4-5 days per week. However, we also spend several months traveling each year too. If we want to maintain our fitness, this means we need to get creative and workout while we are on the road.

Since we don’t always have a gym or equipment available to us when we travel, it has become essential to identify workouts that can be done in our hotel rooms or other public spaces. 

Below is a list of no weight workout movements you can do from home or while traveling, including some workouts to get you started. Make sure you get to know the movements before starting the workouts. 

These workouts are designed for at-home spaces or hotel rooms and require little to no space to complete. We have also added core workouts that you can do as an individual workout or after your main workout.

Additionally, we’ve included some warmups and stretches to help you maximize your workouts.

28 At Home Workouts Without Weights

Workouts you can do While Traveling Without Weights

Workout Movements Without Weights

First things first, we wanted to identify just how many movements you can do without weights that are extremely effective for at home workouts. This list below is not comprehensive but a great place to start. 

You can build any combination of workouts from this list, in addition to the ones we have included below. If you are unfamiliar with any of these movements, it is highly recommended that you watch some tutorials on YouTube to be sure you are executing them correctly to avoid injury.

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Air Squats
  • Walking Lunges
  • Knee Raises
  • Burpees
  • Pushups
  • Russian Twists
  • Plank
  • Sit-ups
  • Wall Walks
  • Plank Shoulder Taps
  • Warrior Sit-ups
  • Overhead Walking Lunges with LBS (A Backpack or Books)
  • Jump Switch Lunge
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hollow Hold/Superman
  • Wall Sit
  • Tuck Jump
  • Box Jumps/Stair Jumps
  • Bear Crawl
  • Donkey Kick
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Seal Jacks
  • Cross Jacks
  • Star Jumps
  • Toe Touches
  • Elevator Planks
  • Jumping Squat
  • Leg Raises
  • Hello Dollys
  • Bicyclers
  • Crunches
  • V-ups

Workouts you can do While Traveling Without Weights

At Home Workout Warmup Routines

Before every workout, you should begin with a simple warmup. This is to get your mind and muscles moving. If you head right out of the gate at full speed, without a proper warmup, you could easily injure yourself. Even with non-weight workouts, you should always do a warmup.

A smart warmup gives your muscles, bones, and joints the chance to loosen up. We have put together warmups that you can do without weights. Below are 4 sets of warmup workouts that are effective at achieving looseness. 

Warmup 1: 3 Sets of

  • 10 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Seal Jacks
  • 10 Cross Jacks
  • 10 Squats

Warmup 2: 3 sets of

  • 15 Jumping Jacks
  • 15 Seal Jacks
  • 15 Highland Flings
  • 10 Burpees

Warmup 3: 3 sets of

  • Hip Circles 10R/10L backward
  • Donkey Kicks 10R/10L
  • Dead Bugs 20

Warmup 4: 3 Sets of

  • 10 Standing in place High Kicks. (As high as you can go. Right hand to the left foot and left hand to the right foot.)
  • 10 Butt kicks
  • 10 Walking Knee Hugs
  • 10 Star Jumps

Stretches to Add to Your Warmup

Another great way to warm up before your at home workout is by doing static stretches. Static stretching is where you hold a muscle in a fixed position for 30 seconds or more.

Some of our favorite stretches are listed below. If you are looking for more stretches take a look at the section in this post highlighting mobility stretches for your recovery day.

Static stretches you can do after the warmup

  • 30 second Couch sit left and right side
  • 30 second Pigeon Left and right side
  • 30 second Jill Left and right side.
  • 30 second Downward Dog
  • 30 second Seated Straddle

Workouts you can do While Traveling Without Weights

No Weight At-Home Workouts

Now that you have three different warmups to do from home, let’s move on to some workouts that don’t require weights. It’s time to get sweaty. Each workout is designed to target specific areas. Workouts vary from set amounts of reps per movement to timed workouts.

Before we get started, here’s some lingo you need to know:

What is an AMRAP? AMRAP means as many reps as possible. A good example of this would be if you had a workout that states you are doing 30 Air Squats, 30 Abmats and 15 Pushups for 20 minutes. To complete this workout you would cycle through those movements and reps as many times as you could within the 20 minutes.

What is an EMOM? EMOM stands for every minute on the minute. It is a type of interval workout where you perform a specific task at the start of every minute for a set amount of time. When you finish the movement, you then rest for the duration until the next minute starts. 

We use the SmartWOD Timer App. It allows us to program all workouts from AMRAPS, for time, EMOM and Tabata. Just choose the workout type and set the duration and go. Download the SmartWOD Timer App today!

KEY: W = Workout   R = Rest

WORKOUT 1: W:40 R:20 for 8 sets

  • Air Squats
  • Burpees
  • Abmats (sit-ups)
  • Mountain Climbers

Work for :40; Rest for :20 x 8 sets. Your goal is to do as many as you can in the 40 seconds. Then you rest for 20 seconds. Complete each set of movements 2 times. It is best to mark down how many you do after each set, giving you a goal to match or beat the next time.

WORKOUT 2: 10 Minute AMRAP

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 20 Shoulder Taps (10 on the right and 10 on the left.)

Note: If you have a jump rope and the room, you can add 30 single jumps with the rope to this workout.

Work for a full 10 minutes. Start with 10 Burpees, 10 Push-ups, ending on 20 Shoulder Taps. Once completed you start over until the full 10 minutes is up. There is no rest between movements. This workout is designed to keep you moving for ten minutes straight.

WORKOUT 3: W:30 R:30 for 6 sets

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Abmats (sit-ups)
  • Russian Twists
  • Shoulder Taps

Work for :30; Rest for :30 x 6 sets. Your goal is to do as many as you can in the 30 seconds. Then you rest for 30 seconds. Complete each set of movements 6 times. It is best to mark down how many you do after each set, giving you a goal to match or beat next time.

Before a workout or if you are looking for a healthy snack check out Perfect Bars.

WORKOUT 4: W:40 R20 for 8 sets

  • Tuck Jump
  • Warrior Sit-ups
  • Air Squats
  • Plank

Work for :40; Rest for :20 x 8 sets, each movement twice. Your goal is to do as many as you can in the 40 seconds. Then you rest for 20 seconds. Complete each set of movements 2 times. 

WORKOUT 5: W:30 R:20 for 12 sets

  • Push-Ups
  • Russian Twists

Work for :30; Rest for :20 x 12 sets. Your goal is to do as many as you can in the 40 seconds. Then you rest for 20 seconds. Complete each set of movements 6 times.

WORKOUT 6: *Core* W:1 minute R:30 for 12 sets

  • Plank
  • Right side plank
  • Left side plank

Work for 1 minute and rest for:30 x 12 sets

WORKOUT 7: Complete in 8 minutes

  • 20 Jump Switch Lunge (One is right to left then left back to right.)
  • 20 Pushups
  • 20 Russian Twists (One is right to left then left back to right.)
  • 20 Air Squats

Note: If you have a jump rope and the room you can add 30 single jumps with the rope to this workout.

Your goal is to complete this as fast as you can within 8 minutes.

Workouts you can do While Traveling Without Weights

WORKOUT 8: 8 Minute EMOM

  • 5 Push-ups + 15-second plank at the top of the last pushup. Then Rest till 1 minute, then start again and so on till you hit 8 minutes.

Each round of the EMOM, add 2 seconds to the plank. (So round 2 =17 second plank, round 3 = 19-second plank and so on.

WORKOUT 9: *Core* W:30 R:30 16 sets

  • Warrior Sit-ups
  • Plank
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hollow Hold/Dead Man’s Hold

Work for:30 and rest for:30 x 16 sets, 4 per movement.


  • 30 Push Up
  • 30 Air Squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 30 Abmats (sit-ups)

Note: If you have a jump rope and the room you can add 50 single jumps with the rope to this workout.

Work for the full 20 minutes. Start with 30 Push-ups, 30 Air Squats, 10 Burpees and 30 Abmats (sit-ups). Once completed you start over until the full 20 minutes is up. There are no rest in-between moves. This workout is designed to keep you moving for ten minutes.

WORKOUT 11: 7-Minute AMRAP

  • Burpees

Your goal is to complete as many burpees you can within 7 minutes. No resting, endless movement. My max was 103 when I did this workout last, we will see next time.

WORKOUT 12: *Core* W:20 R:40 12 sets

  • Left Side Plank
  • Hollow Hold
  • V-ups
  • Right Side Plank

Work for 20 seconds and rest for 40 seconds x 12 sets. (4 times each movement)

WORKOUT 13: The Deck of Cards

Note: This workout requires a full deck of playing cards and is a longer workout.

Complete once all cards are gone:

  • Hearts = Burpees
  • Spades = Abmats (sit-ups)
  • Diamonds = Air Squats
  • Clubs = Push-ups

1-10 is the number of rounds you must complete each movement. The suit of each card is the workout movement. Jacks are 11, Queens are 12, Kings are 13 and Ace’s are 14. The Joker is two times the next card/movement. Good Luck!

Workouts you can do While Traveling Without Weights

WORKOUT 14: * Core*

  • 5-minute plank hold

Accumulate 5 minutes of plank hold and every time you break you do 10 Abmat (sit-ups) penalty.

WORKOUT 15: *Core* 2 Rounds

  • 10 Warrior Sit-ups
  • 10 Abmats (sit-ups)
  • 20 Russian Twist (10R/10L)
  • 10 Abmats (sit-ups)
  • 10 Toe Touches
  • 10 Abmats (sit-ups)

Complete 2 rounds unbroken and without rest between movements.


Clock Lunge x 8 sets

Stand Tall with your feet hip-width apart. Perform lunges in a clock-like pattern doing front lunges, side lunges and reverse lunges. Once one side is complete, follow suit with the other leg. Once that is completed that is one round.

Note: You can make this movement harder by adding a filled backpack or weights.

WORKOUT 17: W:30 R:30 x8

  • Wall Walks (1 up + 1 down = 1 rep)

Work for 30 seconds then you rest for 30 seconds. Complete for 8 rounds.

WORKOUT 18: W:40 R:20 16 sets

  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Elevator Planks
  • Air Squats

Work for:40 and rest for:20 for 16 rounds. Complete each movement 4 times.

Before a workout or if you are looking for a healthy snack check out Perfect Bars.

WORKOUT 19: The 12 days of Christmas (30-minute cap)

  • 15-second plank hold
  • 2 Burpees
  • 3 Inchworm push-ups
  • 4 Jump Squats
  • 5 Abmats (Sit-ups)
  • 6 Pushups
  • 7 Tuck Jump
  • 8 Plank Shoulder Taps
  • 9 Russian Twists
  • 10 Mountain Climbers
  • 11 Jump Switch Lunge
  • 12 Elevator Planks

It’s just like the 12 days of Christmas song but in workout form.

WORKOUT 20: *Core* W: 30 R: 30  for 8 sets 

  • Plank Hold
  • Hollow Body Hold

Work for:30 and rest for:30 for 8 rounds. Complete each movement 4 times.

WORKOUT 21: 12 Minute AMRAP

  • 10 Jumping Squats
  • 10 Warrior Sit-ups
  • 10 Jumping Lounges (One set is right to left then left to right)

Work for the full 12 minutes and do as many rounds as possible.

WORKOUT 22: *Core* Weida Abs – Short Version

10 of each exercise:
  • Abmats (Sit-ups)
  • Flutter Kicks (4 = 1 set)
  • Abmats (Sit-ups)
  • Leg Raises
  • Abmats (Sit-ups)
  • Hello Dollys (4 = 1 set)
  • Abmats (Sit-ups)
  • Crunches
  • Abmats (Sit ups)
  • Russian Twists (4 = 1 set)
  • Abmats (Sit ups)
  • Bicycles (4 = 1 set)

WORKOUT 23: 18 Minute AMRAP

Note: This travel workout is designed to do outdoors because of the shuttle run.

  • 200ft Shuttle Run
  • 30 Air Squats
  • 20 Abmats
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 5 Burpees

Your goal is to complete as many as you can within 18 minutes. No resting, endless movement.

WORKOUT 24: W: 1:00 R: 30 10 sets

Note: This travel workout is designed to do outdoors or in a long hallway.

  • Bodyweight walking lunges

Work for 1 minute and rest for:30 seconds. Complete 10 full rounds of the movement. Keep track of your number of lengths. Try to keep it consistent.

WORKOUT 25: 15 Minute AMRAP – First Name + Last Name 

Note: The no weight workout can be used with either your first name and your last name or the name of the city you are visiting, the month, or even your favorite celebrity.

  • A – 20 Jumping Jacks
  • B – 20 Push-Ups
  • C – Mountain Climbers
  • D – 5 Burpee’s
  • E – 10 Air Squats
  • F – 10 Alternating Lunges
  • G – 10 Superman’s
  • H – 10 Glute Bridges
  • I – 5 Burpee’s
  • J – 20 Warrior Sit-ups or Sit-Ups
  • K – 20 High Knees
  • L – 20 Jumping Jacks
  • M- 20 Lying Leg Raises
  • N – 10 Air Squats
  • O – 20 Mountain Climbers
  • P – 10 Lunges
  • Q – 20 Butt Kicks
  • R – Russian Twist
  • S – 5 Burpee’s
  • T – 5 Push-Ups
  • U – 10 Air Squats
  • V – 20 High Knees
  • W – 10 Superman’s
  • X – 10 Lunges
  • Y – Lying Leg raises
  • Z – 20 Warrior Situps or Sit-ups


Workouts you can do While Traveling Without Weights

Mobility & Recovery Workouts 

WORKOUT 26: Mobility workout (Recovery Day)

  • 6-Minute Lizard R/L (3 minutes on each side)
  • 30 second Downward Dog
  • 3-Minute Saddle Pose
  • 30-second Rebound on back AKA just lay on your back
  • 2-Minute Seated Forward Fold
  • 30-second Rebound on the stomach
  • 6-Minute Pigeon R/L (3 minutes on each side)
  • 1-Minute rebound on the back

WORKOUT 27: Mobility workout (Recovery Day)

  • 6-Minute Box Breathing
  • 4-Minute Seated Forward Fold
  • 6-Minute Half Frog (3 minutes on each side)
  • 4-Minute Seated Straddle
  • 4-Minute Bow and Arrow (2R/2L)

WORKOUT 28: Mobility workout (Recovery Day)

  • 4-Minute Couch (2R/2L)
  • 4-Minute Straddle on Wall
  • 6-Minute Pigeon (3R/3L)
  • 6 -Minute Seated Straddle (3 minutes reaching to the right side and 3 minutes to the left.
  • 3-Minute Downward Dog

All of the workouts we have suggested above can be adjusted to your fitness and skill levels. Feel free to add another movement or add extra reps to make each workout harder or easier.

The goal is to get you moving at home and when you’re traveling! Remember, it takes 2 weeks to form a habit but only 2 days to break it. Keep the gains.

Recommended Workout Items

If you’re interested in upping the intensity of your at-home workouts, we have put together a list of items below. This list contains items we carry ourselves and that we use on top of our daily workouts. Since we understand room is important when traveling, most items take up little to no room.

Jump Rope: #1 Best for Crossfit – Patented Technology – Fully Adjustable – Proudly Made in the USA by JumpNrope

Resistance Band for Mobility & Recovery: WODFitters Stretch Resistance Pull Up Assist Band with eGuide, #3 Purple- 40 to 80 Pounds (1.25 ” *4.5mm) 

Unfilled – Fillable Sandbags: Ader Filler Bags for Sand Bags- (1 Small, 1 Medium, 1 Large)

Travel Kettlebells: Brute Force Kettlebells: Adjustable Kettlebell, The Perfect Workout Equipment for Home + Crossfit Equipment, Sandbag Training with Sand Kettlebells

Misc. Great Fitness Items:

Great Travel Workout Resources

In addition to the workouts we have suggested above, it is good to have some workout videos too. These usually feature pre-designed workouts and are led by a coach. They can be good for learning new movements and breaking up your routine.

Some of our favorites are listed below.

At Home Workouts Books:

Recommended Workout DVD’s:

More on Active Travel:

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27 At Home Workouts Without Weights (Perfect for Travel too!)


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About Lina & David Stock

Hi! We have been traveling together since 2001 and have visited all 7 continents, multiple times. We started traveling together while both working full time corporate jobs until 2013 when we decided to quit our jobs and travel full time for the next 4 years. We started this blog and a media business alongside it, which is now our full time jobs. We love traveling to every corner of the planet so that we can photograph and share the stories of this world with you. Doing this has made us both award-winning photographers and writers. We hope we're able to help you travel more, and inspire you to visit places you might not have had on your bucket list.

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