Borobudur Sunrise: Everything You Need To Know

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Touted at the most visited site in Indonesia by locals and foreign tourists alike, Borobudur temple is a solid centerpiece to any Indonesia itinerary.

This is so much the case that I have been to Indonesia twice now and both times I have made a visit to Borobudur temple, once for a Borobudur sunset and once for a Borobudur sunrise.

In 2014, we based ourselves in Yogyakarta and made our visit on a day trip. With the traffic conditions, it was long hours spent in a van but definitely worth it seeing as we booked the afternoon departure time.

This got us into the temple complex about 2 hours before sunset and we stayed until the sun almost melted into the horizon and the guards shuffled us out the gate.

Borobudur Sunrise Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Borobudur Sunrise Indonesia

On my most recent visit, I was treated to the exact opposite, a Borobudur sunrise that shows off the temple and surrounding area, as the scene turns from pitch black to all the beautiful shades of the morning.

I was even lucky enough to witness one of the distant volcanoes, Mount Merapi, sending a steady plume of smoke into the air from a distance.

You’ve found my article because you’re wondering what all the hype is about and if it is worth not only the early alarm but the extra cost to catch a Borobudur sunrise.

I get it, there are bags of mixed reviews online with strong cases to support either side. Regardless, I feel it is 100% worth any factor you can conjure up that might prevent you from doing it.

Especially if you are a photographer, but even if you’re not, I guarantee once the sun starts rising you’ll forget the doubt and just take in the scene.

Borobudur Temple Indonesia

What is the Borobudur Temple?

Set in central Java, Indonesia’s 4th largest island, Borobudur is the world’s largest Buddhist temple, constructed in the 9th century, and is the most visited tourist attraction in Indonesia.

When the population converted to Islam in the 14th century, Borobudur was abandoned. Today the temple is protected by UNESCO with ongoing restoration and maintenance to keep the temple looking it’s best.

The design of the temple is very unique featuring layers with highly detailed carved reliefs telling you different stories as you make your way around and up towards the top of the temple.

Once you reach the top, you’ll be treated to a contrasting change of architecture that features multiple stupas, both large and small, that guard a variety of Buddha statues and give you breathtaking panoramic views of the area.

Borobudur Sunrise Indonesia

How to Visit Borobudur at Sunrise

While it is possible for you to arrive at the temple early and be one of the first people into the complex at the opening time of 6 am, there is only one official way to see the Borobudur sunrise from the interior of the temple.

The Manohara Hotel corners the market on this tour being located on the park grounds and they offer an option to enter the temple complex at 4:30 am for a total price of 400,000IDR, roughly $31USD.

You can choose to stay right at the Manohara Hotel but note that it is not required to participate in the tour but it will make for the easiest experience of a Borobudur sunrise possible.

There is a wide variety and range of options just a short drive away so really the choice is yours. Advanced reservations for the sunrise entrance are not required but should you choose to stay outside of Manohara Hotel, be sure to make your transport arrangements the day before to ensure you arrive before the 4:30 am tour start time.

If you’re just not sure you want to get up for the 4:30 am start time, but still want to see the last bits of sunrise, the regular business hours for Borobudur temple are 6:00 am to 5:00 pm and general entrance costs 275,000IDR, $20USD, for foreign visitors.

Dress with Respect: Be sure to wear bottoms that cover your knees. Regardless, you will be issued a sarong and belt when you purchase your ticket to wear inside the temple complex. We saw many locals wearing much less clothing then we were, but as a foreigner, it is always better to er on the side of respect.

Remember, you will arrive in the dark and climb the 118 stairs to the top with only a small torch, provided by the officials of the temple.

Borobudur Temple at sunrise in Indonesia

Visiting Borobudur for Sunrise Independently

On our first visit, we opted to do our Borobudur sunrise visit independently, as we were on a strict budget. The experience was quite different than our second visit with Manohara.

These are some thoughts from visiting independently:

After spending over 20 hours in a van traveling from Bali, hiking Mount Bromo and across Java, we finally arrived in Yogyakarta intent on one thing. To visit the world’s largest Buddhist temple, Borobudur.

Any of us who travel have seen the photos of the looming cylinders and stone spires and are easily able to identify it with the famous temple in Indonesia.

Due to our previous few days being very long, we opted to sleep in that morning and take an afternoon tour of the temple. Some people were worried about us not having enough time, but we spent just over 2 hours there and it was plenty.

There were so many groups of locals and tourists that you wouldn’t be able to just sit there or stay longer anyways.

Borobudur Temple Indonesia Divergent Travelers

Our time was spent wandering through the levels while observing the intricate art and designs in the temple walls while making our way to the top for the iconic views that you see in the magazines.

This was all pretty uneventful until we arrived at the top and a full-on photo mania started. It seemed every single school group and local tour group was intent on being photographed with us that afternoon.

At first, it was no big deal but it turned into a circus and we weren’t even able to make a half lap without being stopped.

I seized this as an opportunity to teach them some English words, many of which revolved around how to politely ask people for photos with them and decided to lighten up.

It is a strange feeling to be treated like a celebrity and after visiting a few Asian countries over the years and dealing with an overwhelming amount of photo assaults, I can honestly say I am so glad I am not famous.

Despite the large crowds, we were able to enjoy Borobudur Temple for what it is, capture some great photos and then make our way down the temple, through the hawkers and back to our transport.

The opportunity and experience to visit this grand temple was a special moment in our travels through Indonesia.

Borobudur Temple Indonesia

Best Time of the Year to Experience a Borobudur Sunrise

It really comes down to the time of year as to what kind of weather and experience you can expect. I’ve visited Borobudur temple in June, after the rainy season and in October, before the rainy season.

Both were perfect experiences with clear skies, no rain, and no haze. Nobody can guarantee that you’ll have perfect weather; all you can do is try to plan your trip during optimum travel times to Indonesia and hope for a bit of luck.

Another thing to keep in mind is what time the sun rises during each season. This will have a definite effect on your sunrise experience.

The sun rises at different times during the year and there are certainly times when it doesn’t pay to join the exclusive sunrise tour, as the sun rises up around 5:45 am and you can just pay for a normal entrance at the gate for 6 am and head straight up to the top.

Borobudur Temple Face Indonesia

However, during my visit in October, it was very clearly worth buying the sunrise tour with Manohara Hotel because the sun started to rise at 5:20 am with all the optimum light for photography over well before the 6:00 am mark.

I also believe the time of year plays a big part in how large the crowd will be on the sunrise tour. During my recent visit, I was quite surprised at the small number of people at the top of the temple.

Don’t get me wrong, there was a fair bit, but nothing like I experienced on my last visit for sunset. I found making my way around and capturing the shots I wanted wasn’t too difficult.

Borobudur temple at Sunrise Indonesia

Capturing Awesome Sunrise Photos

You can’t deny that an early rise accompanied by some patience will give you the chance to create the best photos possible of the temple. In my opinion, if you’re serious about getting great photos, there is really no question about paying the extra price or waking up at 4 am.

It gives you an opportunity to be put into the most optimum light possible for creating stellar shots of the iconic Borobudur temple.

If you’re new to photographing iconic spots or perhaps looking for some tips to help make your shots better, then pay attention.

  • Bring a tripod and use it. When the sun first starts to show, you’re going to be in a very low light situation but still, have the opportunity to get great shots. If you don’t have a tripod, your camera will want to push the ISO high resulting in grain and photos that you probably won’t be proud to show anyone. With a tripod, find a great spot to capture the rise of the sun and the slow light behind one of the stupas as a silhouette.

Borobudur Temple in Indonesia

  • Don’t shoot all your photos in the same spot. Walk around, have a look at the temple and the different angles of light that will be playing. You’ll find that Borobudur has 4 faces with 4 different backgrounds, use them to create a unique portfolio of your experience.
  • Don’t let the crowds get to you. It will be crowded. We live in an era where digital photography has made everyone into a ‘photographer’ and this makes our space very crowded. Push your frustration aside and find areas to work where there are fewer people. Keep in mind that moving around will help minimize frustration, as other people tend to move quickly.
  • Open your eyes. Take a few moments and really look around you. Give yourself a chance to feel the atmosphere and revel at the moment before you get too occupied with shooting photos. This is something I try to practice often, which is hard for me, but it leads to a more complete experience. You are, after all, being treated to sunrise from the top of the World’s largest Buddhist temple.

Daylight at Borobudur temple in Indonesia

  • Don’t forget your extra memory and batteries. You’ll find yourself clicking away and soon realize you’ve used them all up. The humidity on this part of the World plays a factor in this as well and can cause batteries to drain at a faster than normal rate.

Sunrise is undeniably a prime opportunity to take memorable photos of your visit and once the sun is up, treat yourself to some exploration apart from the top.

The temple is beautifully decorated with random Buddha statues and very intricate carvings on every layer. Make some time to explore each level on your way down and capture some photos of that experience as well.

As they say, it’s hard to take a bad photo when you’re put into a mind blown setting.

Borobudur Temple Indonesia

Is the Borobudur Sunrise Experience Worth It?

Without a doubt, I say yes. I know there are many people traveling through SE Asia on a budget, and the elevated cost of entry to experience the sunrise can be a deterrent, but if you want great photos I feel there is no alternative.

As with any popular site, you’re going to encounter crowds, this isn’t unique to Borobudur, and while some people may think it’s just a tourist trap, you’ll be hard-pressed to get the experience in any other way.

I’ve read online and heard rumors that it’s possible to bribe some of the guards for an early entrance, but is that a risk you really want to take? What if it doesn’t work out and they say no?

You’ve just risked your chance to capture sunrise and will be pushing your way to the top with the big crowd at 6:00 am. Don’t chance it, it’s only $10 extra.

Borobudur temple misty mooring in Indonesia

However, if you are on a tight budget or can’t see the value in paying for the Manohara Hotel Borobudur sunrise experience, then you could consider a couple of other alternatives.

The lookout points on Pethuk Setumbu Hill or Dagi Hill are said to give you some great views over the top of the complex, albeit from several kilometers away from Borobudur.

This could be a good option for you if you’re not looking for prime photography opportunities and just want to experience the sunrise in peace. Be sure to ask your hotel the best way to access these alternative places to ensure you find them without having to bribe locals for directions.

More on Indonesia:

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Borobudur Sunrise Indonesia


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About David & Lina Stock

Hi! We have been traveling together since 2001 and have visited all 7 continents, multiple times. We started traveling together while both working full time corporate jobs until 2013 when we decided to quit our jobs and travel full time for the next 4 years. We started this blog and a media business alongside it, which is now our full time jobs. We love traveling to every corner of the planet so that we can photograph and share the stories of this world with you. Doing this has made us both award-winning photographers and writers. We hope we're able to help you travel more, and inspire you to visit places you might not have had on your bucket list.

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